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May 15, 2024

Introducing Endless OS 6: A New Release Based on Debian GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm”

The Endless OS Foundation announced today the release and general availability of Endless OS 6 as the latest version of this Debian-based and app-centric operating system for everyday use.

Based on the Debian GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm” operating system series, Endless OS 6 is here more than a year after Endless OS 5 featuring a refined look and feel across all the core apps on top of the GNOME 43 desktop environment series, which brings a new dark style preference, improved screenshot and screen recording, as well as updated apps.

Endless OS 6 combines apps from the GNOME 43 desktop environment series with apps from the latest GNOME 46.1 release. More specifically, it includes GNOME Calculator 46.1, GNOME Text Editor 46.1, Epiphany (GNOME Web) 46.0 web browser, Decibels 46.0 music player, and Loupe (Image Viewer) 46.2.

The rest of the apps and utilities are from the GNOME 43 series, except for the GNOME Software app store, which is from the GNOME 45 stack. This release also ships with the latest LibreOffice 24.2 office suite and Chromium 124 as the default web browser, as well as the in-house Endless Key educational app.

Endless OS 6 is grounded in the Linux 6.5 kernel series and disperses with PipeWire 1.0 to enhance audio device management. This version additionally pledges to manage low memory (RAM) events much superiorly than previous versions, particularly for older hardware.

For additional particulars, refer to the release notes and download Endless OS 6 from the official website available in basic and full images. The full image contains an expansive array of game-creating apps and inventive tools as the Endless OS Foundation intensifies the focus on learning via gaming and creating video games.

“You attain all the creative tools you need to create assets for games from backgrounds and sprites to 3D models and a soundtrack. For instance, you can dive immediately into Blender, the 3D creation suite ideal for modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, motion tracking, and video editing,” expressed Cassidy James Blaede.

Last updated 1 hour ago

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