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March 15, 2025

How to Resolve the “wget: command not found” Error in Linux


Running into the “wget: command not found” error in Linux can be quite frustrating, especially when trying to download files from the web. This situation typically arises when the wget command is either not installed on the system or is not in the system’s PATH. Fortunately, resolving this issue is often straightforward.

Why Does the “wget command not found” Error Occur?

The "wget: command not found" error can occur for several reasons:

  1. Wget Not Installed: Some minimal Linux distributions do not come with wget pre-installed to maintain a lightweight system.
  2. Not in PATH: If wget is installed but the system cannot find it, it may be located outside the directories listed in your PATH.
  3. Corrupted Installation: A corrupted wget package can also lead to this issue.

Fix 1: Install wget on Your Linux System

Most Linux distributions will typically have wget pre-installed. However, if you’re encountering the error, it’s wise to check first. Try running the following command:

sudo wget

If wget is correctly installed, you should receive a usage message. If not, you’ll see the "command not found" error, indicating that wget needs to be installed.

To install wget, use your distribution’s package manager. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu systems, you can run:

sudo apt-get install wget

For RHEL-based distributions, use the dnf package manager:

sudo dnf install wget

After installation, you can verify it by checking the version:

wget --version

Fix 2: Configure Wget PATH

If you have wget installed yet still get the "command not found" error, the issue may be with your PATH configuration. To check if wget is in your PATH, use the which command:

which wget

If the command returns a path, wget is installed and recognized in the PATH. If it doesn’t return anything, then wget isn’t accessible in the configured directories.

To temporarily add wget to your PATH, you can use:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/wget_directory

Replace /path/to/wget_directory with the actual directory where wget is installed (e.g., /usr/bin). To make this change permanent, add the line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.


If you’re frequently downloading files, ensuring wget is installed and properly configured is essential to avoid the "wget: command not found" error. The solutions usually involve straightforward installation steps or PATH adjustments. If wget still doesn’t work, consider using an alternative tool like the curl command for downloading files from the web.

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