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December 30, 2024

Amarok 3.2 “Punkadiddle” Music Player Released with Qt 6 Porting!

Today marks the official release of Amarok 3.2, codenamed "Punkadiddle", by the Amarok development team. This new version, which comes nearly five months after Amarok 3.1, showcases its shift to utilize the latest Qt 6 and KDE Frameworks 6 technologies, offering developers the option to compile the application with modern interfaces.

The transition to Amarok 3 began in April 2024, introducing support for Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5. The developers have now enabled Amarok 3.2 to work with both Qt 5 and Qt 6, alongside KDE Frameworks 5 and 6. However, they advise that the Qt 5/KF5 configuration remains the recommended and well-tested option for the time being, with Qt 6 still under early development and known issues documented in the README.

Among the new features in Amarok 3.2 are:

  • Collection Filtering: Users can now filter their music collections by the absence of tags or by those that are empty.
  • Current Track Context Applet: This applet can now be displayed by default.
  • Stability Improvements: The release includes Ampache-related enhancements and fixes aimed at improving overall application stability.

The development team noted their commitment to resolving further bugs throughout 2025 before they begin working on Amarok 4.

Users interested in trying out Amarok 3.2 can download it as a source tarball from the official KDE website or wait for it to be included in their Linux distribution’s software repositories. Additionally, Amarok 3.2 is available as a Flatpak app from Flathub.

For more detailed information, the full changelog can be found in the release announcement.

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