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June 9, 2024

OBS Studio 30.2 Update: Introducing NVENC AV1 Encoding and Shared Texture Support for Linux Users

OBS Studio 30.2 has launched its public beta testing phase today, bringing enhancements to this widely-used, open-source, cross-platform application for video capturing and livestreaming, with several updates particularly beneficial for Linux users.

The new OBS Studio 30.2 version is set to enhance Linux compatibility by integrating native support for the NVENC encoder, including NVENC AV1 encoding, and Linux shared texture support for NVENC, QuickSync, and VA-API encoders. It also introduces Extended RTMP/FLV multi-track audio and video support, replacing the older metadata-based “VOD Track”, and adds HEVC capability to WebRTC outputs.

Furthermore, the update includes support for an experimental “Hybrid MP4” output format, which merges the resilience of fragmented MP4 with the widespread compatibility and quicker access of traditional MP4 formats. This “Hybrid MP4” format also allows for the insertion of chapter markers, accessible via hotkey or API, and is supported by most video playback and editing platforms.

Another notable feature with OBS Studio 30.2 is the introduction of Multitrack Video streaming support. Initially, this will be available only on Windows systems equipped with an NVIDIA GPU. The developers have announced plans to extend this feature to other platforms and GPUs in subsequent updates of OBS Studio.

“When this feature is enabled, the following data about your system will be sent to the streaming service when starting a stream: OBS config info (canvas width and height, frame rate, encoder width and height, VOD Audio Track setting, OBS version), CPU info (name, speed, core counts), Memory info (free, total), OS info (name, version, arch, emulation), and Multitrack Video settings (maximum streaming bandwidth, maximum video flashing).”

Other noteworthy changes in OBS Studio 30.2 include closed-caption support for HEVC and AV1, unified PipeWire window/display capture into a single “Screen Capture” source, improved freetype2 text source performance, NVDEC decoder support for encoded DirectShow sources, and support for audio-only and video-only WHIP outputs.

It also promises a new Composable Themes system that simplifies theme creation and maintenance, while enabling future customization options, enforced Qt Fusion style by default on Linux, various performance improvements for texture encoding, and NVDEC decoder prioritization on NVIDIA systems.

OBS Studio 30.2 is available for public beta testing from the project’s GitHub page, from where you’ll be able to download binaries for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS systems, as well as for Windows and macOS. However, please keep in mind that this is a pre-release version, not suitable for production use.

Last updated 14 hours ago

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